
Showing posts from December, 2021

Tag questions

Tag questions could be real questions or just confirmation   Verb ‘to be’ (present & past continuous) He  is  sleeping,  isn’t  he? You  are  working this week,  aren’t  you? She  was  ill last week,  wasn’t  she? They  were  eating,  weren’t  they? Present & past perfect You  have  met my sister,  haven’t  you?  She  has  eaten my cake,  hasn’t  she? You  had  spoken to Mary,  hadn’t  you? Will & modal verbs It  will  be fine,  won’t  it? She  won’t  tell anybody,  will  she? You  can’t  take sugar,  can  you? I  should  study hard,  shouldn’t  I? He  must  be so sad,  musn’t  he? 👉 The auxiliary  verb doesn't  appear in the sentence.  Present & past simple She  runs  really fast,  doesn’t  she? (She does run) They  live  in Belgium,  don’t  they? (They do live) You  ate  my biscuit,  didn’t  you? (You did eat) It  rained  last night,  didn’t  it? (It did rain) The most confusing! Have, have to & have got He  has  a hamster,  doesn’t  he?  He  has got  a hamst