Phrase and conversation


1. I love you. – Most children are quick to say this to people in their own home, but often times neglect to say it to important people in their lives because they don't hear their own parents saying it outside of their walls. These three little words can make a world of difference when spoke to others outside their close circle of family they live with daily.

2. I like that. – By the time children are teens, it is difficult to know what they like. This simple phrase may be something little children say a lot when they are younger but it doesn't take long before they stop using it and you lose connection with what really is important to them. As parents, we can demonstrate this daily, not just at gift giving times, by telling people around you when you like something. It can be a gesture, a favorite book, a movie, a place, a food or a memory.

3. You make me happy. – Children LOVE to please their parents and that doesn't change when they get older, but their perspective does. Often times, children think their parents are their enemies and it is just because we lose the communication with them to let them know when we make each other happy. This is simple to do for them and the more you do it, the more they will use this phrase and bless you when you least expect it. Think about things that they struggle with and if they do on their own, be sure to let them know ‘you make me happy', or when they kiss you in front of friends (this is a big one for boys!).

4. Please. – We expect so much from our children, and this proves it as it is one of the first words parents try to teach their children to say and enforce around other people. We can demonstrate it in our own lives by adding it to how we speak to others. Recently, I have noticed how little adults use this word. Here are a few examples: “Pass the ketchup”, “Hold the door”, “Get the mail”, “Do the dishes” and “Get the phone”. – these were in my own home and all by adults. Just adding that one word does a lot in how we act toward other people.

5. Thank you. – We all say this when it comes to big things, but being thankful comes from the heart of gratitude and this only builds when you can appreciate the small things. Thank you for taking me to school or homeschooling me today, helping me with the dishes, cleaning out the car, adding a special treat to my lunch or taking a walk with me. We miss a lot of opportunity to say thank you for the little things, but it is the little things that children notice, but that will fade away if you don't keep it alive and then you will have children who are only thankful for the big things in life.

6. You're welcome. – Going back to the whole gratitude of the heart, this phrase is quickly disappearing in our adult conversations with those who are closest in our lives.  It is the phrase that allows us to feel good about something we did, although some may think that the ‘thank you' does that, but for those who have really given to others, they know the joy that comes from saying ‘you're welcome'.  Children should be able to feel that all the time, as well.

7. I was wrong. – This is probably one of the most difficult phrases to say in the English language, but it is so important to all relationships on earth. It takes a humble person to use the phrase quickly and to admit their error in front of others. Parents are losing a great deal of teaching power and relationship building if they fail to admit when they are wrong to their children. A parent that uses this phrase willingly and openly with their children will have one of the best relationships with them in their teen years and beyond.

8. You’re right. – We all like to hear we are right, especially when we ‘know it', but when someone else says it to you, especially when coupled with the ‘I was wrong' phrase, it can really make a world of difference in a situation. With children, they need to learn how to say this when they have done something that they know they shouldn't have done and is being corrected. It is one way to teach them how to deal with conflict and to restore peace in relationships that are important to them. Because let's face it, we all can't be right all the time.

9. Will you forgive me? – In our home, we have never allowed the phrase “I'm sorry” to be used for an acted that was done on purpose. We allow “I'm sorry” for accidental things like bumping into someone at the store because you didn't see them, or dropping something. These acts were not intentional, so “I'm sorry” is appropriate for those situations. However, when something is intentional like being mean, lying or disobeying, we always require for the person in the wrong to say, “Will you forgive me?” In our experience, it eliminates the attitude that comes with the required “I'm sorry.” because it is more about asking the person wronged to restore what they damaged.

10. You’re forgiven. – Forgiveness is something we all seek in our relationships. We don't want to live with the feeling of disappointing someone that is important to us, so when you are given the apology with a request for forgiveness, which also is an acknowledgement of intentional wrong, not of an accident, it is always easier to forgive them.

11. You are hurting my feelings. – Children know how to let others understand that they are hurt by something, but it is normally done physically at a young age. If you don't teach your child to voice their feelings, this type of physical reaction to being hurt by someone's action will quickly become habit and then you will have a very angry child that will often times get in trouble because they aren't able to express their feelings without the physical reaction.

12. That was kind (of you). – As important as it is to communicate when others have hurt your feelings, it is important to praise people when they have done something nice to you. Children can learn this when a child shares a toy or a snack. Adults can emulate when a friend sends a card or a text that uplifts our spirit. Thank you notes are disappearing in our culture but it has always been a tangible way to show something that you appreciated their gesture of kindness and I would recommend making it part of your child's training.

13. You are beautiful. – Our culture has taken away the self-esteem of many people and it starts with young children. Little girls want to be princesses, but as they grow, they begin to feel clumsy and unattractive because when they look in the mirror they don't see the princess they have always wanted to be. We praise our children so much in their cute stages and for whatever reason, we stop praising our children's beauty around the same time that they grow into this stage of low self-esteem. Praising them will give them the ability to praise others and it is really contagious. I get so much joy to hear my young boys tell me how pretty I am when I come out of my room with a new outfit. Their wives will thank me later.

14. That looks nice on you. – Encouragement in our society is disappearing, as well. As an adult, I feel awkward when others compliment me because of something that I'm wearing because I'm not sure how I should respond. I normally say, “Thank you” and change the subject, but then a few minutes later, I realize that I should have complimented them back or should I? Finally, I realized that I was going to always let another woman know when she is wearing something that makes her shine and it is a good thing to teach our children. The more they learn to compliment others for the positive things, the more likely the will not be focused on the negative things we all have that quickly leads to bullying or childhood meanness.

15. I'm feeling angry. – Every person has to learn how to deal with anger, especially if they haven't learned how to communicate that someone is hurting their feelings. Stored up anger is dangerous and never leads to a good thing. Anger is part of our emotions, but we need to learn how to respond to it without sinning by hurting others. Acknowledging it and having a plan to overcome the anger is important.

16. Are you upset? – Recognizing when you may have hurt someone feeling is not as hard as it seems, if you have come to know the person well enough. Spouse know when the other is upset at them, but asking isn't something that they really want to do, especially if they have issues with anger. Seeing the signs of anger is important for parents, especially if you want to help them learn to admit when they are angry and find a solution to working through it without physically hurting someone. I'm always asking if someone is upset or ‘is something wrong' because I desire my children to choose a different path and communicate their feelings differently than I have learned to deal with mine.  The more you do it, the easier it will be for them to recognize it and work on the feeling themselves.

17. I'm tired. – Everyone I know can be emotional when tired, but we don't always like to admit it.

18. Can I help you? – Who doesn't want children that will offer help without being asked? A family that we knows demonstrates this better than anyone we know. The mother has a servant's heart and it flows to her children. There is hardly a time we get together that her children do not ask me ‘Is there anything I can do to help you?' I have yet to have this implemented that well with my own children, but I can say that they have learned how to identify places to serve and be helpful to others. I think it can be demonstrated easier if I offer help to them throughout the day and give them the lesson at home, not just abroad.

19. Will you help me? – If a child can see the joys of when help if given to others, they would quickly see that there isn't anything wrong in receiving help either. Most children are so independent and wanting to do things themselves, but often times, it takes a little help from more experienced people to learn how to do it right. I love when my 5 year old is learning something new and it doesn't come as easy for him as it does for his older siblings because he is quick to ask, “Will you help me?”  There are times that we don't help him, because it will enable disobedience or laziness but that is only when we know the skill has already been learned and it was required of him to do, but we never let him down in his learning.

20. I appreciate you! – Saying thank you is easy to implement, but going a little further to let someone know that ‘I appreciate you', leaves such a lasting impression on that person that it can literally change a life. Every person in our life should hear these words from us from time to time and why we appreciate them. Why not start with your children and train them in how to let others know how they appreciate them. You may be one of the first to be rewarded with such high esteem.

Dialogue 1: At the market

Customer: Good morning. I want to buy some groceries. And food too.

Waiter: You can take to the counter what you want to buy.

Customer: Do you have apples and oranges anywhere? I can’t see them.

Waiter: All right! So, you want to buy fruit. And not food?

Customer: Food, too. But I wanted to make sure you had fruit also.

Waiter: Sure. We also have some fruit for you. No worries.

Customer:  I want to get sugar and milk, too. Do you have them?

Waiter: What kind of sugar?

Dialogue 2: At a conference

Receptionist: Good afternoon. Enjoy the conference!

Mary: Thanks. What time is it going to start?

Receptionist: Very soon. Take a seat!

Mary: Could I take my water to the conference?

Receptionist: Sure! It’s OK. 

Mary: Thank you. Good day!

Dialogue 3: About my last vacation

Mario: How are you doing, Jenny?

Jenny: Pretty good. Thanks. Long time no see.

Mario: Yeah! I went to some other city on vacation.

Jenny: What did you do there? Where was it?

Dialogue 4: About my trip to Cuzco

Mark: Hi, Maria. How was your trip to Cuzco?

Maria: It was good. Thanks. It was a nice experience.

Mark: What did you see in Cuzco?

Maria: I saw temples, churches, parks, squares, and most importantly, I was able to see Incas’ buildings.

Mark: Did you like them? Did you take pictures of them?

Maria: Yes. I enjoyed everything. About the pictures? I took lots of them. You can see them on my instagram account. I also have them on my cellphone. Do you want to see them?

Mark: Please! This picture is fantastic. Where was it?

Maria: It was in Machupicchu.

Mark: Your pictures look awesome.

Dialogue 5: About my last weekend

John: How was your weekend?

Luis: It was good. I went to the river. The landscape was beautiful.

John: What else did you do last weekend?

Luis: Not much. I spent the day at home. What about you?

John: I just watched a movie at home. I had to do homework and housework too.

Luis: Oh, really? …

Homework: Make a dialogue


  1. AT A HOME:
    MARY: Good afternoon, niece, I came to see your mother.
    BETTY: Hi Auntie, my mom is sleeping.
    MARY: What room is it in?
    BETTY: She's in room 502.
    MARY: I'm going to find her niece, it's urgent.

    1. Remebember to write your name: For example: Raul Rojas

    2. Deanelli Julca Rodriguez

      the Holy Week.

      Maria: how did you spend holy week?
      Pedro: Very bad, boring.
      Maria: why boring?
      Pedro: because I didn't eat fish, due to lack of financial resources and I found myself alone, far from my family.
      María: what a shame for you, next year you are going to eat, rest assured.
      Pedro: Yes, I'll meet my family there.
      María: how good it makes me very happy to know.
      Pedro: yes Maria, thank you ......

  2. at a concert:
    jeff: Hello, how was your trip to lamas?
    farid: I was great !!!!!
    jeff: what places you visited?
    farid : I visit the castle, the square, the church and the ranch
    jeff: Wow amazing, can you show me the pictures you took?
    farid: Of course, there isnt problem
    jeff: oh great, the pictures are very good, I see you later
    farid: ok,bye
    jeff: bye .

  3. Jesús Enrique Huamán Torres
    billy: Hi jesus, what about your last vacation?
    jesus: well, i went to Medellin, colombia, that was a great experience
    billy: sounds interesting, what was your favourite part of your trip?
    jesus: the people are so friendly and fun, I ate a lot of colombian food, but i prefer la badeja paisa
    billy: how many hours you traveled?
    jesus: I don´t remember exacly but im pretty sure are six or seven hours at fly
    billy: not is much time, i want to go too
    jesus: you must ti do, could be one of your best experience in your life
    billy. You really encourage me, was nice talk to you, good day my friend
    jesus: see you soon billy

  4. About my trip to Iquitos
    Name: Renzo Jhair Macedo García

    Martín: Hi Renzo. How was your trip to Iquitos?

    Renzo: It was magnificent. Thank you. It was an unforgettable experience

    Martin: What did you see in Iquitos?

    Renzo: I saw animals, rivers, I enjoyed the jungle and, most importantly, I was able to visit the city of Bethlehem known as the floating city.

    Martin: Really? That was great!

    Renzo: Yes. I enjoyed everything.

    Martin: Your trip was amazing

    Renzo: Thank you!


    Dialogue: Going the River
    MILI: Good morning, how are you doing, Liz?
    LIZ: Very well. Thanks. And How are you today?
    MILI: Well also. Thank you. And what are you doing now, let´s go to the river?
    LIZ: Nothing for now. It´s good, let´s go. The weather is perfect to go the river.
    MILI: Of course!

  6. connie: hey, gina. do you want some ice cream?
    gina: no, thanks. I´m going out.
    connie: really? where are you going?
    gina: i´m going to play tennis. do you want to comer?
    connie: sorry, i can´t. I need to study.
    gina: well, come later then. we´re playing all afternoon.
    connie: it sounds nice... but I´m not very good at tennis.
    gina: don´t worry about thet. you don´t have to play. you can just watch. come on, it´ll be fun.
    connie: well, ok. I´ll see you in an hour.
    gina: pk, see you later... and maybe we can have some ice cream afterwards.

  7. At work

    Ruth: Hi, good morning, how are you?

    Romario: Good morning! Pretty good. Thank you.

    Ruth: Good! Today we will have a too busy day.

    Romario: really? What we will have to do today.

    Ruth: Today we will deliver the format of all the income and expenses that the company had during the month.

    Romario: Okay okay now let's get to work Ruth.

    Ruth: yes, Romario get to work the faster the better.

    Romario: Yes, so we will have time to go to lunch.

    Ruth: yes of course!

  8. Felix Ramirez Sangama

    Jose: Hi Lily, how are you doing with your crush Alex?
    Lily: hello friend Jose, there everything is fine with Alex thank God.
    Jose: What a good friend, and when do you get married?
    Lily: Next year we get married friend
    Jose: So good friend, I wait for the invitation haha
    Lily: hahaha law friend
    Jose: haha ​​now friend see you then at your wedding

  9. Nicolle Allison Viena Pezo
    In a park
    Maria: Hi, Fer, how are you?
    Fer: A little bad emotionally
    María: And that, why, Fer?
    Fer: For all the trouble that is happening in the world, and I wish everything would go back to the way it was before
    María: The only thing I can tell you is that you take good care of yourself, keep taking care of your family.
    Fer: Yes, Maria that's what I always do
    Marìa: Well Fer, it's time to go, take care of yourself, it was a pleasure talking to you
    Fer: Bye, Maria

  10. About my trip to the Blue Lagoon
    Erica: hi, how are you
    Pratricia: I'm happy and you
    Erica: I'm sad, because I can't go on a trip with you. And how did it go?
    Pratricia: oh, sorry. But I did very well, I had a lot of fun, I visited many places
    Erica: tell me, you took a ride on the jet ski.
    Pratricia: oh, if you didn't know it was spectacular, the adrenaline feels 100.
    Erica: you didn't fall into the lagoon
    Pratricia: no. Because an instructor is after you. We are well protected
    Erica: aya, that's good
    Pratricia: Yes friend, I hope that next time you will be encouraged to go.
    Erica: of course
    Pratricia: then for the next vacation we are going.
    Erica: ok friend

  11. About an important test at the University

    Diego : Hi, Areli
    Areli: Hey, Diego . How's it going ?
    Diego: Great ! How are you doing?
    Areli : So- so
    Diego: yeah? what's wrong?
    Areli: Oh, I have an important test tomorrow.
    Diego: But you're not studying.
    Areli: Well, I'm kind of tired.
    Diego: Why don't you take a break and drink some coffe? We can go to a cafe together.
    Areli: And then i can study later. Sounds good !

  12. Keisy Mylene López Vásquez
    About my trip to Ica:
    Maria: Hi keisy, how was your trip to Ica?
    Keisy: Hi Maria, It was incredible, the tourist places are very amazing
    Maria: What did you like the most about Ica?
    Keisy: I loved the Huacachina lagoon, I enjoyed an impressive landscape and had fun in the tubular cars.
    Maria: That´s amazing! .What typical dish did you eat?
    Keisy: Yes, I ate Carapulcra.
    Maria: Oh Really? That´s delicious!.

  13. Damaris Ivonn Alvites Vasquez

    In the park

    Kim: Hi Sandra, how are you?
    Sandra: hi. I'm fine thanks and you?
    Kim: very good friend, are you studying?
    Sandra: yes, I am studying languages.
    kim: Great friend, I'm glad
    Sandra: How's work going kim.
    kim: well I'm working in an industrial company
    sandra: good friend, congratulations
    kim: Thanks, friend
    Sandra: well I have to go Kim
    kim: take care, see you soon
    sandra: see you soon

  14. Name: Lily Raquel Carrasco Tello
    DIALOGUE: In the concert

    Lisa: Hey Erick, there’s a free concert at the park tonight
    Erick: Really? That sounds like fun. What time does it start?
    Lisa: it starts at 7:30.
    Erick: Well, let’s go. What time is it now?
    Lisa: um,it’s 5:30. What time do you finish?
    Erick: about 6:00. So, let’s meet there about 7:00.
    Lisa: Well, they don’t usually have a lot of seats, so…
    Erick: Oh, well, in that case, let’s get there early-say, around 6:45?
    Lisa: Okay!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Sheyla Patricia Padilla Gabriel

    Gisela: Hi, Sheyla, what will you do on the weekend?
    Sheyla: Hi! I think i will do some homework, and you?
    Gisela: I want to go to Sauce, but i want to finish all my homeworks too , ¿ What do you think if we go to Sauce?
    Sheyla: I would like to go! Do you think if we move forward with all the homeworks and finishing we go?
    Gisela: I think it's great! let's move fast, to enjoy the all weekend.
    Sheyla: I think that to do the work faster we should divide the homeworks
    Gisela: I think the same, let's start dividing the tasks!
    Sheyla: ¡All Right!

  17. Homework Dialogue - About my trip to Cabo

    Levana: Hello, Alessandro. How was your trip to Cabo?

    Alessandro It was good. Thanks. It was a amazing experience.

    Levana: What did you see in Cabo?

    Alessandro: Cabo San Lucas, a resort city on the southern tip of Mexico’s Baja California peninsula, is known for its beaches, water-based activities and nightlife. Playa El Médano is Cabo’s main beach, with outdoor restaurants and numerous bars. Past the marina is Land's End promontory, site of Playa del Amor (Lover's Beach) and El Arco, a natural archway in the seacliffs.

    Levana: Did you like them? Did you take pictures of them?

    Alessandro: Yes. I enjoyed everything and it was wonderful experience. I relax the beach life. Here i show you the pictures! I took lots of them. Do you want to see them?

    Levana : Yes Please! This picture is cute. Where was it?

    Alessandro: It was in Cabo

    Levana: Your pictures look awesome.

    Dialogue: About my trip to Lambayeque
    ELIZA: Hello! How was your trip?
    ROCIO: Hi! The trip Was super Good.
    ELIZA: That´s Good. And what did you do?
    Rocio: The first thing I did was go to see the beaches. By the way, it has beautiful beaches. Then I went to see the museums.
    ELIZA: How good then friend, we must go together again
    ROCIO: Of course, friend. You have to know that beautiful place

    SARELY: Good afternoon. How was it concert? you had fun?
    LUIS: very good. It has been a long time since I enjoyed a song with my favorite artist.
    SARELY: I'm glad !. Take a sit! Centame everything!
    LUIS: no worries!. You know I met Rocio our childhood friend.
    SARELY: sorry I have to go!. then you tell me everything.
    LUIS: Okay!. take care of yourself!

    Maycol: Hi Carlos, today we will play a game with the other group
    Carlos: Yes Maycol, what time will they play?
    Maycol: Afternoon. it will be at the university
    Carlos: There I will be
    Maycol: Don't be too late
    Carlos: If you do not worry, I will arrive to win the game.

  21. Lisa:¡ Hi Karin!
    Karin: ¡Hello Lisa! How are you? You're busy.
    Lisa: Well, how could I help you?
    Karin: Could you accompany me to the Museum.
    Lisa: Yes, what time are we going?
    Karin :At five in the afternoon.
    Lisa: Ok, bye

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Juanita tocas

    JUANITA: Hi Andrea, happy saturday. How are you doing?
    ANDREA:hello Juanita. Good thanks.
    JUANITA:I really liked your participation, the music was beautiful.
    ANDREA:Thank you very much Juanita
    Hope to see you on the afternoon show.
    JUANITA :Yes, I will be there.
    ANDREA:See you later.
    JUANITA :See you later Andrea.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Juanita tocas

    JUANITA: Hi Andrea, happy saturday. How are you doing?
    ANDREA:hello Juanita. Good thanks.
    JUANITA:I really liked your participation, the music was beautiful.
    ANDREA:Thank you very much Juanita
    Hope to see you on the afternoon show.
    JUANITA :Yes, I will be there.
    ANDREA:See you later.
    JUANITA :See you later Andrea.

  26. Lisa:¡ Hi Karin!
    Karin: ¡Hello Lisa! How are you? You're busy.
    Lisa: Well, how could I help you?
    Karin: Could you accompany me to the Museum.
    Lisa: Yes, what time are we going?
    Karin :At five in the afternoon.
    Lisa: Ok, bye
    Noli Lisett Cubas Flores

    I know a friend at the university

    Frank: hello how are you
    Maria: Hi, I'm fine and you
    Frank: I'm super good
    Maria: interesting
    Frank: what are you studying
    Maria: I'm studying accounting
    Frank: oh, I'm surprised I study accounting too
    Maria: great for sure we will get along very well
    Frank: of that there is no doubt
    Maria: by the way, are you from Tarapoto?
    Frank: yes, I'm from Tarapoto
    Maria: what do you think if tomorrow we go to university together
    Frank: delighted with the idea
    Maria: nice to meet you
    Frank: nice to meet you too


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